Pain Free Movement

Often I work with clients who are experiencing pain and dysfunction with an inhibited range of motion to some degree. It is in that context that a better understanding of human movement is helpful. In an environment where we are moving in a predictable, non-challenging and repetitive way it is easy to think that if we just move more or with more intensity all is well. Our bodies are hard wired for energy efficiency, meaning we are always seeking the most comfortable way of doing things.

We often think about frequency and intensity but forget about the quality of movement. Balancing  periods of low activity and low intensity with short bursts of high activity and high intensity is not always advised. Sometimes exercise can help us to move better and sometimes it can create greater dysfunction if it is build on faulty movement patterns. Placing mechanical loads on poorly recruited muscles will strengthen compensatory patterns, which only help to maintain movement functionality in the short term.

In order for a movement to benefit us, it needs to have all the right ingredients or nutrients. We know that we can expect little or no nourishment from junk food. Equally, the low-quality movement does not only not benefit us, but can do harm in the long term.

Body Awareness

My Approach

On-site Massage

